About the Institute for Salutogenesis

Empowering Individuals, Communities, and the Nation to Thrive
The Institute for Salutogenesis is a non-profit organization founded on the core principle that every individual, regardless of their background, deserves the chance to reach their fullest potential. Through our Democracy, Opportunity, Citizenship Moonshot, we champion equitable access to the resources and conditions essential for all citizens to lead healthy, thriving lives and engage fully in our democracy.
We envision a world where everyone, regardless of background, has the opportunity to thrive. The Institute for Salutogenesis is committed to making this a reality. We champion the idea that everyone deserves access to the resources and support needed to lead a fulfilling and engaged life. By focusing on holistic health and well-being, we empower individuals to improve their own lives and strengthen our democracy.
Our Guiding Principles
The Democracy, Opportunity, and Citizenship Moonshot: Our audacious goal is a world where everyone thrives. This means leveling the playing field and ensuring everyone has a fair shot at success, regardless of their starting point. It means building a society where health, well-being, and active citizenship are the norm.
Salutogenesis: At the heart of our work is salutogenesis, a revolutionary approach to health that shifts the focus from treating illness to actively creating and sustaining well-being. We promote the factors that help individuals and communities flourish.
Systems Change: We recognize that individual health is deeply intertwined with the systems we live and work within. To create lasting change, we focus on transforming communities, workplaces, and healthcare into environments that actively support health and well-being.
Our Mission
Our mission is threefold:
Empower Individuals: Provide the knowledge and resources to help everyone achieve a flourishing life and engage fully in society.
Strengthen Communities: Collaborate with communities to foster environments that promote health for all.
Advocate for Change: Equip individuals with the skills and resources to advocate for policies and systems that prioritize well-being.
Our Areas of Focus
Salutogenesis Across the Lifespan: We support well-being at every stage of life, from early childhood to adulthood and beyond.
Salutogenesis in Our Environments: We focus on creating environments—where we live, work, and play—that nurture well-being.
Transforming Healthcare: We're redefining healthcare by prioritizing health creation, sustainability, and whole-person care.
Health of the Nation: We track and measure the health of our nation to understand the factors that contribute to well-being.
Our Initiatives
The First 1000 Days of Life: Investing in early childhood development to set the stage for a lifetime of health.
Thrive in Montgomery County, PA: Creating a model community for health and well-being.
Healthcare System Transformation: Working towards an accessible, affordable, and high-quality healthcare system.
The Future of Work in an Age of Abundance: A salutogenic approach to the future of work in a world of Artificial Intelligence.
The Whole Person Salutogenic Assistant: An AI-powered tool that empowers individuals with personalized insights and guidance to enhance their health journey.
Moonshot Press: A multi-platform media initiative that empowers citizens and reshapes democratic engagement.
Take Action
Join us in creating a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive!
Personal Engagement: Use our resources to prioritize your health and well-being.
Social Contribution: Engage with your community and advocate for healthy environments.
Political Involvement: Use your voice to shape policies that prioritize health and well-being for all.
Join the Movement
Together, we can build a world where everyone has the chance to reach their full potential. Explore our website, follow our activities, and learn how you can contribute to a brighter future. Follow Moonshot Press or join us at our next community event.